Bethlehem Baptist Church



Bridges of Hope  Bridges of Hope - A faith based approach to a better understanding of mental illness.

  1. We are committed to the belief that the best cannot be achieved without Spiritual Health.

  2. Spiritual Health is available to anyone that will listen to and apply the Word of God to their life.

  3. We include applicable Scripture and prayer in each of our workshops and group sessions.


Feel free to call 931-637-4854 for more information. 


- Monthly Support meeting - every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 6:00 pm
If you have a family member or friend who has a mental illness or you have a mental illness and would like to be part of a support group, come join us. There is a group for consumers (those with mental illnesses) and one for family and friends. **Learn more about building Bridges of Hope.**




Bridges of Hope  Bridges to Peace is a faith based approach to a better understanding of Post Traumatic Stress (PTS), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The goal of this ministry is to provide tools, strategies, structure and support that can aid both the families and the individuals suffering with the effects of these injuries.
Facing Trauma Related Stress is all too often a lonely struggle. The Church should be leading the way in a careful handling of each individual and family that is struggling with these injuries.
We believe that peace and hope for those suffering these effects is not found in solving their suffering, but that it is found in learning to entrust themselves to God in the midst of their suffering, believing that somehow He will work all things for their good!.